School administration
The Dean of the School is the Chief Administrative Officer and is assisted by the Associate Deans for the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs and the Assistant Dean for Financial Affairs.
The administration and the faculty are responsible for determining curriculum requirements, admitting students, instructing and evaluating students, encouraging activities and programs pertinent to the welfare and interest of students, assessing fitness for promotion and graduation, and carrying out other functions essential to the overall operation of the School. Evaluation of the overall program of learning and instructional effectiveness, appropriate modification, and initiation of new measures are continually in progress by the faculty and the administration.
Shawn Collins
Gloria Huerta
Associate Dean - Graduate Programs
and Academic Affairs
Andreia Lofthouse
Assistant Dean - Student and Alumni Relations
Brandie Richards
Associate Dean - Undergraduate Programs
and Student Affairs
Lizi Black
Assistant Dean - Finance
Administrative Committees
Academic Review Committees
Chair: selected from committee membership as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Associate Dean of the Program
Membership: selected faculty members as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Admissions Committees
Chair: selected from committee membership as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Associate Dean of the Program
Membership: selected faculty members as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Associated Student Nurses (ASN)
Chair: ASN President
All Deans
Membership: ASN officers, class officers undergraduate class sponsors, graduate department faculty representative
Curriculum Committees
Chair: selected from committee membership as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Associate Dean of the Program
Membership: selected faculty members as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Program Councils (Faculty Council, Graduate Council, MS to DNP Council, PhD Council, RN to BS Council and Undergraduate Council)
Chair: selected from committee membership as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
All Deans
Membership: all program faculty
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
SN Dean and Associate Dean of the Program
Membership: development officer, faculty as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook, and StAR representatives
Student Affairs Committees
Chair: selected from committee membership as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Associate Dean of the Program
Membership: selected faculty members as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook
Advisory Councils
Clinical Agency Advisory Board
Chair: SN Dean
Staff: Assistant to the Dean
All Deans
Membership: Invitees from clinical agencies
Dean's Advisory Council
Chair: SN Dean
All Deans
Membership: Consumers, employers of graduates, community representatives, and graduates
Dean's Council
Chair: SN Dean
All Deans
Deans and Directors Council
Chair: SN Dean
Staff: no staff required
All Deans
Faculty Directors: Directors of the BS and RN to BS programs, Off-campus Nurse Educator program, MS-DNP program, and PhD program
Non-faculty Directors: Director of Student and Alumni Relations and Information Technology Director
Deans and Staff Council
Chair: SN Dean
Staff: Assistant to the Dean
All Deans
Membership: all staff
Faculty Committees - standing appointed
Every full-time faculty member has the opportunity to serve on at least one standing committee within the School of Nursing. Appointment to a standing committee is done by the Dean's Council or designated to the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Clinical Practice Committee
Educational Technology and Innovation Committee
Global Nursing Committee
Research Committee
Safety Committee
Social Committee
Spiritual Life and Wholeness Committee
Faculty Committees - standing elected
Election of faculty to elected standing committees is the responsibility of the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Faculty Affairs
Chair: elected by committee members
Membership: faculty member representatives elected from every faculty rank as specified in the SN Faculty Handbook.
Rank and Tenure
Chair: elected by committee members
Membership: faculty member representatives composed of six non-administrative faculty members; two professors, three associate professors and one assistant professor.